Open Enrollment Evasive Driving Executive Protection Driving Course
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info1@safehouse.com SAFEHOUSE TRAININGSAFEHOUSE employs the finest cadre of experienced training personnel in the world. Our instructors have an unmatched experience in every conceivable facet of security training: Evasive Driving both basic and advanced courses, Executive Protection and Dignitary Protection programs from three days to four weeks in length, Hostage Rescue and Special Weapons and Tactics training for Military, Police Departments, and a variety of specialized instructional programs tailored to meet each client's specific needs. While the majority of our clients are international corporations or military details, Safehouse is also developing courseware for the executive who is concerned about the safety of himself and his family. Jeff Miller has spent years assembling the Safehouse Cadre, each member selected not just for a complete mastery of his field but also for his ability to impart his knowledge to the students. All of our instructors are experienced internationalists, and most are multi-lingual. Safehouse can supply a MTT (mobile training teams) to meet your needs anywhere in the world.
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